EXOLITUS | Exosome Technologies

Exosomes promote skin healing

Each year, millions of people undergo a non-healing wound, abnormal scarring, or injuries accompanied by an infection. To solve this issue, scientists are searching for new therapeutic interventions, from which one of the most promising is the use of extracellular vesicles.

We are happy to announce that Exolitus, in collaboration with Lithuanian scientists, unfolded the newest data of exosome potential in skin wound healing. Naturally, extracellular vesicle-based signalling occurs in all four wound healing phases: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodelling. Next to the modulation of the natural role of exosomes in all wound healing phases, they can be used as an external therapeutics resource when extracted from stem cells, various plants or biofluids. Furthermore, exosomes can be modified for improved performance as drug delivery agents. They can be loaded with a therapeutic cargo or directed to particular destinations by labelling them with specific surface proteins.

We invite you to further explore the role of extracellular vesicles in the treatment of skin wounds in our article Extracellular Vesicles in Skin Wound Healing in Pharmaceuticals journal.

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